SEASONS Change by René Allen


SEASONS Change by René Allen is a BLOG dedicated to Readers, particularly Authors, Artists, Designers, Leaders, Teachers, Creatives, and those who have come to learn the value in the spiritual timing in relation to their purposeful pursuits of their own spirit and soul.

Being aware that you are the Author of your life (Remembering though that God, of course is the Author and Finisher of our FAITH); we must participate in the process of creating a successful life.  We must not, can not, and will not sit on the sidelines of life expecting LIFE to jump to our attention at our command if we’ve spent absolutely no time at all noticing exactly who and what is on the sidelines  — on the sidelines you’ll find many versions of people who simply forgot that life continues at its pace whether they are on board or not.  At one time in life or another we each find ourselves on the sidelines.  Some of us will be screaming on the sidelines because we are mad at ourselves; others of us will be blaming someone for our little time-out on the sidelines; and then there will be those of us who will be bitter, resentful, and/or hateful because we have taken a sideline journey.

We must decide to look at ourselves (each of us), as the Artist with the paints for the canvas of our life.  The “design” of everybody’s life is built on a series of choices, and by those choices, our lives are shaped.  Today, if we haven’t already, we must each consciously decide to take our role of Designer seriously.  We are designing with each movement we make.  Every step that we take, and choice that we make is part of the designing process of our life.

The goal here on SEASONS Change is to make sure that each visitor and reader of this BLOG is very much aware of why we say there is an important element to learn about life when you are making an effort to live your life on purpose, with purpose, fully aware of your God-given purpose.

When SEASONS Change, we should be aware the moment this begins to take place in our lives. It is about…

Understanding timing and purposeful movement.

Right now, we are at the perfect point to start paying close attention to our movements.  Are we FOCUSED on our goals?  Have we tuned into what our priorities should be  Do we really KNOW who we are, and what it is that we seek for ourselves at this time in our lives?  Are we clear about how we are going to go about getting our lives in order, if we have found our life to be in more of a disarray than we had intended?

If you are really ready to get serious about your life right now, then this is the blog to bookmark, follow, participate in, and visit regularly.

I’m so glad you’ve come to visit SEASONS Change.

Many magnificent blessings & joyful surprises are in store for you — GET READY to live your life on purpose with the understanding of timing and purposeful movement!

Sincerely ~

René Allen